Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Personal News

I may not be able to post a commentary on current events today. I have other things that take precedence on my mind. My ex-wife's live in boyfriend called me late last night and told me he is cutting my son's visit with them short and I have to go to Baltimore today to pick him up from the airport. What a jerk! For a control freak, he doesn't seem to have too much control over a kid that really isn't hard to handle at all. So, because he is such a jerk, my son will have even less time to spend with his mother and close friends in KC than the obligatory six weeks mandatd by the court. I am livid.


Anonymous said...

The boyfriend sounds like a selfish child himself. Too bad your son will get such a raw deal of not seeing his mom for the whole time. What does she have to say about all of it?(Sorry if that is too personal to ask-my apologies if it is)

Poison Pero said...

2 comments (I hope they aren't too sensitive.).

1. My sperm-donor (definitely not a father), left my mom when I was 8.......He used to yo-yo me as it sounds this clown is doing to your son. The boy suffers unbeleivably, and so will the mom, but she has the power to change it.....Like my sperm-donor, it sounds like she won't. --> I haven't had a real conversation with mine in over 3 years. Sadly, this is where your boy's mom is heading.

2. Mom must be a real piece of work if you have physical custody of your son......This isn't a rip on you Mark.

I don't know about your state, but in Arizona the only way a dad gets his kids is if the mom is a crack addict or if she doesn't want them......And even if she's a crack addict she might get them.

You read my Father's Day Blog, and know how I feel about it........Sounds like you are doing your job (being a father), and you should be proud of it.

Link to that Blog:
Friendly tip: No matter what, watch what ya say around your boy......He will understand on his own someday, but as long as he's young he won't and the more you say the worse it is for him.

Hang in there my friend.

Mark said...

I got much more of the story from my son now. Seems my ex's boyfriend put his hands on my son. I am going to call social services. Lets see if he can continue to be a control freak in cell block D, with his cellmate, Bubba.

Francis Lynn said...

Been there, done that with my own EW (ex wife or ex whore, depending on your point of view). Never ceases to amaze me how woman gravitate to control freaks &
place them above their child.

Erudite Redneck said...

Y'all are in my redneck prayers. Dr. ER and I have been very fortunate, in my view, because our Bird's sperm donor, while he is pretty worthless and never lifted a finger for Bird that the judge didn't explicitly order, he's otherwise harmless.

tugboatcapn said...

Mark, this whole situation breaks my heart...
Rest assured that the wife and I will keep you and your son in our prayers.
Meanwhile, You do what you have to do.

rich bachelor said...

I too add my sorry to this one. This one sucks. I got lucky: when my ex left me, she married up with easily the nicest wheat farmer I've ever met.
In any case, I'm sorry. Bureaucracy is excruciating, and I suspect you're going to dealing with a lot of that, fairly soon.

Mark said...

Thank you all for your wishes and prayers. In addition to pushing and throwing my son to the ground, The dirtbag also told him that next year he will be 17 and then he can "legally kick your ass."
Rest assured I will not let this go unpunished.

Mark said...

By the way. He is with me because the jerk convinced his mom that he would be better off living with me, and she is so subservient that she voluntarily gave him up, but managed to get away with a judgement in her favor, so she doesn't have to pay a cent for child support.