Buchanan is a staunch Republican and unashamed supporter of President Bush, so why on earth would he advocate the impeachment of the President?
Because, Buchanan says:
"Twice, George Bush has taken an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Article IV, Section 4 of that Constitution reads, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion."
Well, we are being invaded, and the president of the United States is not doing his duty to protect the states against that invasion. Some courageous Republican, to get the attention of this White House, should drop into the hopper a bill of impeachment, charging George W. Bush with a conscious refusal to uphold his oath and defend the states of the Union against "invasion."
It may be the only way left to get his attention, before the border vanishes and our beloved country dissolves into MexAmerica, what T.R.(Teddy Roosevelt) called a "polyglot boarding house for the world."
Read more here.
He is referring to the porous border that is allowing illegal immigrants seemingly unimpeded access to our country.
He is right.
However, I think threatening impeachment is a little extreme. In your humble friend and uneducated blogger's opinion, a bill of impeachment at this particular time could start the bandwagon rolling, with every left winger and Democrat that has an agenda jumping aboard. They would be crawling all over like roaches after the lights go out. There is way too much dissension over the war, social security, oil prices and "that woman" that's camped outside his ranch, among other things, right now.
But Bush needs to take some action, and fast. Those borders aren't getting any more secure on their own. There have been some suggestions that we should put a fence up along the border from the west coast of California to the easternmost end of the border between Texas and Mexico. This proposed fence would be 10 foot high, chain link, and topped with razor wire. In addition, the fence line would be patrolled by border patrol agents, 4 times the number currently employed.
I think that is more reasonable than threatening to impeach the President.
The big problem now will be in getting the President to agree with this plan.
But now we're back to impeachment again. Darn.
Also, Remember to keep all the victims of Hurricane Katrina in your prayers, and help with whatever you can. My girlfriend, Jeannie's father lives in New Orleans. She hasn't heard from him and doesn't know where he is. Pray for him and his family and also for blogger friend Dana in Slidell. In her last post before Katrina struck she said they were going to stay home and camp out in the family room. Yesterday, I heard on the radio that Slidell was under water.
Lie Of The Day: (from Laura Ingraham's web site)
After providing Judge John Roberts with background memos regarding the government's policy on the treatment of detainees (something Roberts had no role in), Sen. Patrick Leahy commented: "I don't think a Supreme Court hearing is a game of gotcha. I'd really like to know what he thinks."
Roberts may have to rule on a related issue as a Justice, and Leahy is merely trying to stir the pot knowing that the press loves to cover anything relating to the Bush Administration's "torture memo."