How many of you are old enough to remember the phrase, "Loose lips sink ships"? For those of you who have never heard it, it was a phrase oft repeated in World War II. It meant that if you say the wrong thing to the wrong people, it could cost American lives, and seriously hinder the war effort against Japan and Germany.

According to this story on the FOX news website, "The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the leak of information to the media about a domestic eavesdropping program run by the National Security Agency.
Details of the program were first revealed Dec. 16 by The New York Times, which reported that the NSA has monitored phone calls and e-mails inside the United States without court warrants since shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The program circumvented a secretive court process that allows warrants to be issued without the knowledge of the warrant's subject".
Apparently, there are some loose lips in the halls of Congress these days. Somebody leaked highly classified information to the New York Times, who, in turn, splashed the story all over their front page. You know the story. President Bush, according to the Times, "secretly" conducted warrantless wiretaps on suspected Terrorist operatives within the United States.
The Times and the Democrats would have you believe that he wiretapped innocent American citizens, invading their privacy and violating their civil rights. This is, of course, balderdash.
The only people whose "civil rights" were trampled upon are those who are suspected of planning terrorist attacks on America in league with al-Qaida operatives in Afghanistan, and elsewhere. And those people surrendered their rights as soon as they decided to plan attacks against the United States. The Constitution is clear:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort".
Yes, that's what I said. Any American that supports or enables these enemies to perpetrate attacks on our soil, and our citizens, are traitors.
Now, American lives are at risk. But not American soldiers lives. American civilian

Is it possible that whoever leaked this information to the Times didn't realize the implication of what their loose lips would mean to the country? Or maybe they didn't care. Or maybe they want to damage the Bush presidency as badly as the Times does.
The sad part of all this is that it doesn't do nearly as much damage to President Bush as it does, potentially, to the innocent citizens of The United States. Why? Because President Bush was perfectly within his rights to do exactly what he was doing. He did nothing illegal.
Does the Times and their willing accomplices in the Legislature think destroying President Bush is worth the sacrifice?
The Times article was sat on deliberately for a year, presumably waiting for just the right moment to be released. What was the right moment? One day before the vote to extend the Patriot act.
Is anybody so naive that they believe that was a coincidence, or just bad timing?
And possibly, somewhere within the geographical borders of this country, there are terrorists waiting for the Patriot act to expire, and for all the warrantless surveillances to stop so they can continue to plan for the next great attack on innocent Americans. Perhaps the next attack will be a nuclear bomb. Perhaps in your city, or even your own backyard.
If American Senators and Congressmen are involved in this treasonous act, whether they are Republican or Democrat, they need to be held accountable, recalled, impeached, tried, and punished.