Original artwork provided by yours truly.
The scene is a room somewhere on the grounds of GITMO at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The room is bare except for a desk, and three folding chairs, upon which three men are seated, one behind the desk, one in front of the desk and one sitting at a slight distance behind the man at the desk. The man behind the desk is an anonymous CIA Interrogator. The man in front of the desk is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, leading al Qaida terrorist. The man in back is a referee, selected by the Obama administration to make sure the interrogator doesn't employ any illegal torture techniques.
Interrogator: Now, Mr. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Please tell me anything you know that might possibly be helpful to us in helping us prevent further Terrorists attacks on America. Pleeeeeease?
KSM: You will see soon enough, Pig!
Interrogator: Aw, c'mon Khalid, pretty please?
KSM (grinning): Nope!
Interrogator: I'll give you a cookie if you tell us.
KSM: With sprinkles?
Interrogator: Uh...sorry, Mr. Mohammed, we only have chocolate chip.
KSM: Then....no!
Interrogator: OK, OK, OK, we'll get cookies with sprinkles. Someone get Mr. Mohammed a cookie with sprinkles! But remember, if I give you a cookie with sprinkles, you'll tell us when the next attack is coming, OK?
KSM: If it's a good cookie, with lots and lots of sprinkles, I'll tell you. I promise.
Interrogator (handing KSM a cookie. With sprinkles): Here. Here's a cookie with sprinkles. Would you like some milk to wash it down?
KSM: Yes, thank you. (eats cookie, and washes it down with a cup of milk)
Interrogator: OK, now. Tell us what we want to know.
KSM (grinning ever wider): Ha Ha ha! You will know soon enough! Ha Ha Ha!
Interrogator (slams his palms down on desk, exasperated): Darn! Now what can we do?
Referee: Well, unless you have a nicer, more polite interrogation technique, I guess you'll have to let him go.
Interrogator: Darn. I really thought we were close this time.
MSNBC news in background: A 747 jet airliner has just crashed into the Federal building in Los Angeles. Estimates are that there are as many as 5,000 people inside. So far there is no word on who's responsible, but MSNBC analysts suggest it was an attack perpetrated by former President George W. Bush, in retaliation for the loss of the election to our revered Messiah, Barack Obama. Now, for a word from our sponsors.
KSM: He he he he he!
The preceding dramatization could be the result of Obama's stupid, naive, "One world of Peace" political philosophy.