Yesterday, on the Imus in the morning radio program, guest Mary Matilin discussed briefly Galileo's law of falling bodies, which states that all objects fall at the same speed, regardless of their mass; and that, as they fall, the speed of their descent increases uniformly.
One might well ask why Mary Matilin was talking about Galileo.
She was describing the way Democrats and RINO's (Republicans in name only) tend to completely ignore the facts presented to them logically, even when the evidence of those facts are staring them in the face. She said she is reminded of Galileo everytime she is on Imus' program and asked her opinion on politics.
Galileo, you may remember, proved that the Earth's gravity had the same amount of pull on a 1 pound object as a 10 pound object by dropping both of those objects from the top of the tower of Pisa at the same time. Of course, the two objects landed at the same time.

Also, if you remember the story, the rulers of the Church in that day, who were the rulers of all, refused to believe, even after witnessing with their own eyes, the demonstration first hand. Galileo was forced to recant his findings, and was later even arrested and kept under house arrest for the rest of his life.
For proving that the church was wrong.
She went on to say that is the perception she gets of the Democratic party and the RINO's, when truth stares them in the face. She expressed frustration with Imus in particular, which, of course sparked some outrage for questioning the great Don Imus.
But it occurred to me that she is exactly right, and the analogy of Galileo was right on the money.
Judge Samuel Alito was chosen to take the place of Sandra Day-O'Connor on the

Nevertheless, Senator Kennedy went totally ballistic during yesterdays Senate debate regarding the nomination of Alito to the bench.
By the way, it is my humble opinion that it is long past time for Kennedy to retire. He should have resigned and turned himself in for murder immediately after Chappaquidick. He is nothing but an embarrassment to the Democratic party now, and I dare say he is costing them votes in the next elections by his unhinged behavior. Most Democrats are distancing themselves from him. Or at least, trying desperately to ignore him.
And it's not just the Alito fiasco that proves this new Galileon theory. Time and time again, the Democrats and RINO's prove they have no sense of reason when it comes to anything involving a decision made by President Bush.
One doesn't have to wonder why.
It is what I've been saying all along. They hate Bush so badly, that they are unwilling to admit it is possible for him to do anything right, in their opinion.
There has been evidence presented in recent months that WMD do indeed exist, which is admittedly as yet unconfirmed, so there is some doubt as to the veracity of that evidence.
However, if conclusive evidence of WMD is found, and these arrogant, Bush hating Democrats, RINO's, and Liberals are proven wrong, they will still say we went to war with Iraq based on a lie.
It isn't truth they are interested in, it's whatever they can do or say to undermine the Presidency of George W. Bush, and diminish it's effectiveness.
All because they are so enraged that he won the 2000 election.
I will even submit that the reason for the current push by some of the angrier Liberals to have Bush impeached has nothing whatsoever to do with so-called lies or unfounded charges against Bush of any kind, but rather, it is revenge for the impeachment of President Clinton.
The facts are, there is no evidence of wrong doing by President Bush, and there is definite evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors by Clinton.
Which brings up another example of this new Galileon theory applied to Democrats and Liberals et al:
The stubborn, but erroneous belief that Clinton did nothing wrong, and was unfairly charged. The facts are clear and established that he committed perjury, which is what he was impeached for, and yet, those who defend him still insist the charges of impeachment were about sex.
And so, this rant is not an effort to convince any Democrats or RINO's or Liberals of the truth. It is simply an observation.
They can't be convinced anyway.