"With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plea; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost." ~ William Lloyd GarrisonI have been putting off writing this entry for some time now, because I know what the reaction will be. But sooner or later, if the issue isn't addressed it will only become a bigger issue and thus, make it that much more difficult to deal with in a single post.
There is a few commenters on my blog posts that have made some pretty outrageous and offensive statements in my comment section that I have basically just ignored, and I am guessing they know why, although the reason they say I am ignoring them is quite different from the reason they know.
A commenter who calls himself Dan Trabue in particular has been badgering me to answer certain questions of which the true answer, quite frankly, I am sure he already knows. He apparently thinks I will fall into his little trap and answer him as he seems to think I am so ignorant that he can destroy my argument with his clever little Liberal talking points and misinformation that the Liberals are so fond of disseminating among the non-thinking public.
I am not going to go over all the arguments he has attempted to start, but I do want to address a couple, but mostly as a way of presenting evidence that this man is not above twisting and spinning facts to advance his radical conspiracy theories and lunatic Liberal ideals.
I do not respond mostly because it will do no good. He has made his mind up. He will not listen. He will not be persuaded that I am right and he is wrong. There is no point.
It would only be casting pearls before swine.
He doesn't want an answer to his questions. They are only rhetorical questions he wants me to offer answers to so he can misinterpret and then twist my words to try to make me appear to be a fool.
For instance when I wrote a blog entry that shamelessly promoted my friend Sheila's new blog, I added a statement that I believe abortion is wrong. I said, speaking of abortion:
"In my opinion, there is never an excuse to kill babies."To which Dan responded:
"And so you will come out in opposition to the Iraq War because we've killed babies there?"
By this stupid, inane, apples-to-oranges comparison he thinks he has made a fool of me. Instead, he has made a fool of himself.
Later, he continued to badger me with this and other questions to which he already knows the answer.
On the wrong posts.
Completely off topic.
I haven't responded to these inane questions for a reason. He is only asking them in hopes I will spout off some Republican talking point in ignorance of what he considers
"the facts". Then, he believes he can systematically destroy my arguments with his superior intellect and logic.
He knows what I said, and what I said, I mean.Intentionally murdering babies still in the womb just because the mother wants to continue a decadent promiscuous lifestyle without the
"inconvenience" of having to take care of a baby or because of a crime committed, either by a criminal or a family member, is a far cry from a baby being killed accidentally during a firefight in the middle of a war.
A far, far cry.
And Dan, you very well know the difference. If you don't, you are stuck on stupid.
And don't even attempt to use that false argument that you don't believe in abortion but support a woman's right to choose. That is simply Liberal code words for supporting the wanton, intentional murder of innocent unborn babies. Either you are for abortion or you aren't. You cannot justify support of this wholesale slaughter of innocents in this country by recusing yourself from the argument by using the
"right to choose" excuse. You cannot divorce yourself from complicity in this outrage by insisting you have no part in the choice to kill.
In every case where a woman chooses to abort her child, the baby still ends up dead.Dead.And you support that.
You don't care about babies being murdered in the womb. You don't care about babies dying in war. You don't care about soldiers dying in war. You care only about advancing your own diabolical political agenda. If you can use divisive issues to further your political agenda, you are only too happy to oblige.
As I have stated many times, I do not like war. I don't want war. I am a pacifist.
But I have also stated that sometimes there is no alternative. No means of negotiation left unexplored. These bleeding heart sob sister Liberals who keep insisting war is not the answer still have failed to come up with a better alternative.
They whine that negotiations can stop this war, and that if we only talk to the terrorists, and understand them, and find out why they hate Americans so much, we can reach a level of understanding with them, and we can reach an agreement whereby the terrorists will lay down their guns and bombs, and live in some kind of utopian, idyllic, co-existence with the rest of the Muslims and non-Muslims in the world.
Here's a news flash for you, Dan:
Terrorists do not want to negotiate. They do not want to talk. They do not care to be understood. They do not care if we understand why they hate America. They want to kill. They want to murder.
And if they ever get their hands on you, you will be be-headed just as efficiently and as dispassionately as they be-headed Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg. More in fact. History has proven that the first to be eliminated after fascista victory in war are the ones that supported the enemy.
How many UN resolutions did Saddam ignore? How many innocent civilians will have to be be-headed, how many IED's going off beside the road, how many suicide bombers blowing themselves and hundreds of others up in crowded marketplaces will it take to make you finally understand that there is no negotiation with these animals?
War is an unfortunate necessity that will not go away just because we civilized people deem it obscene. They have to be fought whether we want to or not.
Because some people are not civilized.
We did not bring this fight to them. They brought it to us. If you really, truly believe for one minute that if we hadn't gone to Iraq, the terrorists attacks against America would have stopped, then again, you must be stuck on stupid.
The loss of an innocent baby is never a good thing. Not in war, and not in peace. Especially not in peace.
The difference is that 1.5 million innocent unborn babies a year are wantonly, callously, intentionally murdered in this country everyday by what Dan considers to be
"civilized" people, so that the mother can indulge in whatever destructive lifestyle she prefers, seemingly with the apparent blessing of Dan, and ER, and other
"Christians ".
Is killing innocent unborn babies (who, by the way, have no choice) a
"Christian" act? Do you suppose Jesus would kill babies so that a
"Christian" mother could live her life as she wants? Do you really think Jesus would say a woman has the right to choose to destroy His own creation? If you believe that, again, you are stuck on stupid.
I say again. There is never a valid reason to kill babies. Especially not the flimsy reason that a woman deserves a
Christians defending the murder of millions of innocent babies every year while at the same time, decrying the deaths of a relatively few (by comparison) terrorists, who's main objective is the eradication of Christianity and Judaism and all who do not follow their own peculiar brand of jihadist fascist Muslim perversion of Islam, under the guise of pretending they don't believe in war.
What's wrong with this picture?
And Dan? What's wrong with you?
You also have demanded over and over ad nauseum that I produce lists of the Democrat politicians that are corrupt, apparently to refute my assertion that Democrat politicians are more corrupt than Republican politicians. I don't have to do that. You know Democrats are more corrupt.
The reason there is so much more press about the few Republican politicians being corrupt (ie, "culture of Corruption") than Democrats is explained very simply. The majority of the news media is Liberal, and therefore, they are themselves Democratic party apologists. It isn't hard to find overwhelming evidence of that truth.
And the list of Republican politicians that you used to present your side of the argument is replete with unproven, unsubstantiated indictments, many brought by Democrat prosecutors with a political agenda of their own, such as democratic corrupt politician Ronnie Earle, who went grand jury shopping to find a jury sympathetic enough to Democrats to return a very questionable indictment against Tom Delay. After 3 previous attempts to get an indictment he finally was able to drudge up enough Democratic party supporters to bring an indictment, which will eventually be thrown out of court for being baseless.
All the while the allegations of corruption against Democratic politicians are substantiated and generally accepted by the majority of the thinking public as fact. The only reason so many Democrats are not already in jail is because of the left leaning media, which suppresses all stories of Democratic corruption while magnifying the slightest indiscretion from the right side of the aisle.
Can you say Ted Kennedy (murderer) Gary Conyers (murderer) Bill and Hillary Clinton (murderers) etc. etc. etc.?
Once upon a time, you made respectful comments on my posts, and they were appreciated. I welcome dissenting views and support the free and open exchange of ideas in this space. But you have become increasingly more disrespectful and mean spirited. If you can manage to return to being respectful and logical, as you once were, your comments will be, as always, welcome.
But, Dan. If you ever accuse me of lying, or of being a liar, or suggest that I have lied, or imply in any way, that I might have intentionally told an untruth again, your comments will not be published on this blog.