"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" ~ Edmund Burke
Unfortunately, Mr. Burke's quotation was a prediction that has come true. Good men have done nothing, or at least, not enough to change the inevitable. I have recently come to the conclusion that Conservatism is doomed. There will be no more Conservative Republican Presidents. Evil has triumphed.
Here are my reasons:
Illegal aliens. The Democrats are within reach of legalizing illegal aliens. It is only a matter of time. There aren't enough Conservative voices out there to stop them. Polls show illegal aliens, if allowed to vote in the United States' elections, would vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Democrats have been pushing "immigration reform". This is a term meaning illegals attaining American citizenship without having to go through the legal process. Legalizing illegal aliens will create a block of Democrat voters that will make any and all Democrat candidates unbeatable.
Voter fraud. Even without the illegal alien vote, Democrats have the majority of the votes in elections sewn up, as long as they can prevent any more states from instituting voter ID laws. In the last Presidential election, the only states with majority votes cast for the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, were the states that had voter ID laws. Every state that Obama carried did not have them. The reason Democrats are so opposed to voter ID laws is because those laws make it much more difficult to commit voter fraud. If an individual voter is allowed to vote multiple times for one candidate because they aren't required to prove who they are, and required to prove they already voted once, especially if hundreds, or even thousands are doing it, their candidate will win. Thus, Democratic candidates are assured victory.
Public school indoctrination. Even if, somehow, Democrats fail to legalize illegal aliens, and even if all the states have voter ID laws (which won't happen), there are other guarantees that voters will vote Democrat candidates into office. Many of the current voters are baby boomers, or older. The voters who actually understand why Communism is anti-liberty are dying out.The government school system has been working diligently to create Democrats in numbers unparalleled. They use revisionist history and push socialism as a preferred system of government. Public schools have been teaching students
what to think and not
how to think for a couple of decades now. They are turning out low information and Democrat voters in astonishing numbers.
The Media. The media are complicit in this re-education of America. If they report anything detrimental to Democrats at all they twist it and spin it to make it appear as if the Republicans are the bad guys. Any news that would harm the Democrat agenda is either under reported or ignored. The only way the Conservative message will be heard by the under informed voters (which is rapidly becoming the majority), is by accident. Political Facebook posts and posts on other social media such as twitter, etc, are the only way the truth is getting out there and getting any exposure to the public. Unfortunately, people who participate in such social media are free to "unfriend" or ignore messages that are unpleasant. If they'd rather read recipes and look at pictures of cats, they can do that and never have to think at all.
I hate to say this, but it appears the only hope for this country now, is to let Socialism win. Once this country is totally Communist, these same low information Democratic voters will
finally understand what oppression and loss of liberty and freedom really means. Once the realization of what the people have done to themselves sets in,
the only ultimate solution is revolt.