Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Coming Race War

"The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals." ~Martin Luther King, jr.

Among all the other reasons Obama needs to be defeated in the upcoming Presidential elections, there is another that few are mentioning.

He is a racist.

No, he isn't positing himself before the American public with blatant racial epithets or announcing "open season on Whitey". He is more subtle.

It should come as no surprise to most Conservatives that he is not the uniter he pretends to be, but, I dare say there are many Conservatives who are loathe to hang the insidious label of "racist" on him.

But, look at his history.

Off hand, I can point to the infamous quote from his book, "White man's greed runs a world in need", among other equally racist quotes. That should have been the tip off to even the most stubborn skeptics.

Now there is an increasing number of black-on-white crimes being committed, with the apparent blessing of the "Uniter in Chief".

The more these crimes go unpublicized and unpunished, the stronger and bolder those who perpetrate these crimes grow.

No doubt, they also grow bolder, in large part, because the "Uniter -in-Chief" remains silent.

Now, let's examine the other side of the issue. Wherever there exist a mere hint of a possibility that a white on black crime has been perpetrated, Obama is quick to publicly speak out in condemnation of the "hate crime", even before any guilt has been determined. The Trayvon Martin case is only one of the latest proofs of his obvious racism.

Note the difference between the way he treats white-on-black crimes, as opposed to black-on-white crimes. He expresses outrage at one, and is conspicuously silent on the other.

Obama is giving tacit approval of these escalating black-on-white racist hate crimes by remaining silent and refusing to condemn them.

Just as the now famous open mic incident with the Russian president proves, if he is re-elected, he will drop all pretenses. He will become transparently racist.

It is important for American voters on both sides to recognize the inherent danger of an unrestrained Obama presidency.

He is limited to two terms. He has nothing to lose. He knows the Congress will not institute impeachment proceedings against him. If they attempt to, he has already laid the groundwork to brand any actions against him as "racism". Any criticism of him will enable him to stir up racial animosity in this country further.

Obama garnered 96% of the black vote in the last election, and, in spite of the loss of confidence many of those same voters have in him due to his reckless policies, he will still get a disproportionate percentage of the black vote. Because, as has become obvious, the overall attitude among blacks is, he is "one of them".

All he has to do is continue to keep silent about black-on-white hate crimes, and speak out against perceived white-on-black crimes.

The media is complicit, and will play the race card at the drop of a hat. The Republicans are too afraid to stand up against any charges of racism. That would hurt their chances to be re-elected.

A race war is imminent.

And, if he is re-elected, Obama will be the catalyst.


Marshal Art said...

I hate to think that our country is so far gone as to truly engage in a race war. It would be bad enough if that war went no farther than rhetoric. But such fears are hard to ignore considering the level of vitriol since the publicizing of the Trayvon Martin case.

I also hate to acknowledge that this country has elected a man to the presidency for whom racial considerations seem so important. How could a president of this country not demand his attorney general to investigate the voter intimidation of the Black Panthers?

It seems to me, that the smartest man in the room would take any opportunity presented to him, to defuse racial tensions and to reject any support for him based only on his skin color as the insult it should be, were he truly intelligent and capable. To date, it seems he hasn't the smarts so many claim he possesses. His track record on race relations is no better than his record on anything else.

Marshal Art said...

It should be expected that the usual suspects will regard this post as racist without explaining why.

Fredd said...

Naw, no imminent race war, Mark. If open season begins in earnest against 'whitey,' the numbers that would retaliate in earnest are overwhelmingly against those that would target whites.

Now, the war that is IMMINENT is the one where young people will not tolerate their earnings being confiscated and given to old people, who retired and now lounge on Boca Raton beaches, at the expense of the next generation.

Now THAT'S a war that is coming for sure.

Jim said...

HOLY CRAP, what a load of horse manure!

Off hand, I can point to the infamous quote from his book

You can? Offhand? LIAR! Deceiver! This is not something Obama said or espoused. It is a quote of SOMEONE ELSE.

Now there is an increasing number of black-on-white crimes being committed, with the apparent blessing of the "Uniter in Chief".


Obama is quick to publicly speak out in condemnation of the "hate crime", even before any guilt has been determined. The Trayvon Martin case is only one of the latest proofs of his obvious racism.

LIAR! Obama condemned nobody.

He expresses outrage at one, and is conspicuously silent on the other.

LIAR! Neither is true.

Just as the now famous open mic incident with the Russian president proves, if he is re-elected, he will drop all pretenses. He will become transparently racist.

What a pile of steaming horse manure!

A race war is imminent.

You are delusional.

How could a president of this country not demand his attorney general to investigate the voter intimidation of the Black Panthers?

Investigated by Bush DOJ. Dropped by Bush DOJ.

It should be expected that the usual suspects will regard this post as racist without explaining why.

That would be unnecessary. It's just lying, horse manure. It's paranoid and delusional.

Parklife said...


It is interesting that a racist would call another person a racist. But, Mark seems to make a habit of this. Paranoid.. delusional.. this is just the tip of the Mark iceberg.

Always On Watch said...

I don't know if Obama actually desires a race war.

But it seems to me that he is saying things that just might bring about such chaos.

I think that he sees himself as the leader who will bring us out of engineered chaos.

The problem with chaos, of course, is that the outcome thereof is highly unpredictable.

Jim said...

But it seems to me that he is saying things that just might bring about such chaos.

Saying what things?

Marshal Art said...

The NBPP intimidation case was not finished in 2008. This Wiki article explains the chronology of events.

Once again, Parkie the troll makes accusations of racism again and still offers no evidence in support of the charge. How typical.

Always On Watch said...

Stirring the pot of racial and class division.

Parklife said...

Yes. The man that sees no problem using the "n-word" (not to mention his open hate for homosexuals) is really a fair-minded and reasonable guy.

Krystal said...

I would love to see the KKK march and Tweet addresses each time a black person killed a white person. According to government stats (which I will keep looking for, they are filed somewhere), there are more black on white hate crimes than white on black hate crimes. HOWEVER, it is very extremely rare for a black person to be prosecuted for a hate crime, while a white person is prosecuted for a hate crime for almost any crime committed against a black person.

KKK has been having a surge in membership. There is going to be a race war and it's going to be huge!

Jim said...

Thanks for the Wiki link. It actually shows that the Justice Department pursued the case and won it.

Always said: Stirring the pot of racial and class division.

Any place in this or any other thread here where I have written anything that would support this assertion?

Krystal, you make some bold assertions which are not widely acknowledged. Can you provide ANY source to back them up?

KKK has been having a surge in membership. There is going to be a race war and it's going to be huge!

Noe HERE'S some pot stirring, Always.

Jim said...

"Noe" = "Now"

Mark said...

Jim, you say I'm lying. Prove it. Show me one instance where Obama expressed outrage at a high profile case of black on white crime hate crime.

Then when you find you can't find one, explain to me how his statement that the Boston Police were "stupid" for arresting a black man who was being uncooperative wasn't condemning whites before all the details were known. And, tell me he wasn't trying to create sympathy for Trayvon Martin by equating Martin with his non-existent "son".

Then, Google "the Wichita Massacre" and explain to me how that obvious Black-on-white Hate crime somehow managed to escape the attention of the national Leftist media. What did Obama say about that one?

Really Jim, all you have to do is a little research to see that I'm right.

Jim said...

Show me one instance where Obama expressed outrage at a high profile case of black on white crime hate crime.

You show me one instance where Obama expressed outrage at a high profile case of white on black crime. He hasn't. That makes your statement a lie.

explain to me how his statement that the Boston Police were "stupid" for arresting a black man who was being uncooperative wasn't condemning whites before all the details were known.

Condemning whites? No he wasn't "condemning whites". He spoke against the way the police handled the situation. He admitted that he made a mistake in doing so. How in the world could this EVER be construed as "condemning whites"?

Google "the Wichita Massacre"....What did Obama say about that one?

Did you get this one from something Malkin or Sowell dredged up? Did you forget to do a "little research" and learn that The "massacre" happened in 2000 and was in the appellate courts in the early 2000s. Since Obama was no more than a state legislator and in Illinois not Kansas, there's no telling what he thought or said about the case or even if he was aware of it.

obvious Black-on-white Hate crime

Obvious? Obvious how? From Wikipedia:

Since there was reportedly no prima facie evidence of racial motivation, only that the victims were white and the Carr brothers are African-American, Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston decided not to treat the incident as a hate crime.

"No prima facie means NOT OBVIOUS.

You are not right. Do your research. Maklin, Sowell and Horowitz are not sources.

Always On Watch said...

That brief comment I made to you was not in reference to you. Rather, it was in reference to Obama.

Always On Watch said...

When Obama condemned the Cambridge Police Department, he admitted at the time, "I don't know the facts of the case."

Because he didn't know the facts of the case and "automatically" came down on the side of the black professor, Obama evinced a form of racism: he made a judgment based on skin color.

He did the same in the Trayvon Martin case. Odd, that. Take a look at THIS PHOTO of George Zimmerman. It seems to me that Obama could just have easily have said, "If I had a brother, he'd look like George Zimmerman."

Jim said...

He made a judgement based on skin color...He did the same in the Trayvon Martin case.

Always: what words did Obama say, the actual quote regarding the Martin case, that could possibly justify this assertion?

Always On Watch said...

what words did Obama say, the actual quote regarding the Martin case, that could possibly justify this assertion?

Surely you jest!

According to this source: "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon".

Would Obama have said that if Trayvon Martin had been white? I don't think so.

Furthermore, part of looking like someone else is race. Let us not kid ourselves: race is one of the first things that we notice when we meet someone new. Why? Because race is often obvious. No big deal to me, but it is normal and correct to notice the race of another person.

BTW, take a look at these photos and If Obama Had A Son, He'd Look Like Zimmerman.

Frankly, it matters not whether Martin or Zimmerman looks like Obama. What MATTERS: the facts of the case.

Marshal Art said...

Great link, AOW! Unlike Martin, Zimmerman is bi-racial (if we choose to regard "Hispanic" as a race), making him more "like" Obama than Martin.

People like Jim cannot understand why the statement "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". would be regarded as racist or racially slanted. Without knowing anything about the case, it assumes Martin is the victim. Thus far, that is a judgement that is not corroborated as yet. Just because the kid was killed does not make him a victim. It only makes him dead. I've mentioned this before that it would mean that any criminal shot by a cop as the cop attempted to apprehend the criminal or prevent that criminal from further criminal acts, would make the criminal a victim.

If Zimmerman's story turns out to be true, then obviously he is the victim here. That he came out alive while his attacker (assuming his story pans out) died does not mean he wasn't victimized. Why would Obama not consider this possibility? Was it because the black kid died? Was it because the shooter had a "white" name and was incorrectly labeled "white"? Why did he assume that the dead kid was the victim?

But I can defend Obama better than Jim can, indeed, better than Obama himself. Obama could say that he wasn't referring to Martin's race when he made that statement. He could say that he was merely referring to his youth, that he could be anyone's son. I wouldn't buy it, but it would be a better ploy.

Whether Barry meant to sound racist or not is besides the point. If he was truly the smartest guy in the room, he would have withheld any opinion until he knew all the facts. Instead, he picked a side based on who was dead and, it seems to many, what color he was.

Krystal said...

Jim, here is a list of stats I collected for another site:

According to a 2007 report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

* 8,000-9,000 blacks are murdered each year. 93% of these murders are carried out by other blacks.

* Blacks are 12.5% of the American population, but are 46% of the homicide victims. That means that 42.78% of the murders in this country are black people killing other black people.

A U.S. Department of Justice report that covered stats from 1974-2004 showed that:

* 52.2% of all murders were committed by blacks and 45.8% were committed by whites. (black murderer rate of 4.176 white murderer rate of 0.698).

2010 statistics from a study done under the direction of Eric Holder shows:

* 20% of hate crimes are committed by blacks even though they only made up 13% of the population. That means that their rate of hate crime is 1.53 while the average of all other races combined in this country is 0.92.

* Blacks murder twice as many whites each year than whites murder blacks

* In most interracial crimes (not just murder), the victim is white and the assailant is black. Black assailants attack whites 45% of the time. White assailants attack blacks 3% of the time.

Z said...

I just wish black "leaders" like Sharpton and Jackson looked at the loss of ANY black child as seriously as Trayvon's death.
It does send a signal to good Americans when they don't see the upset for black on black crime but SUCH outrage at white on black crime (as low as that might be...and as unproven as that's been in the Trayvon case)

What kind of message DOES it send to see them marching, arms locked, in the streets again, 'a la' the Sixties?

Then when Obama discussed the case so soon , before details were given (as he did in the Gates case), that was questionable, too.

I think Mrs. Martin was the only one calling for sanity and calm.

SOme day, maybe Mr. Obama will use his powers for something good; it would be wonderful to see him talk to kids in America about gangs, about black on black crime among kids and how that MUST stop, and maybe even enlighten them about how Planned Parenthood started? (the best kept secret in liberal annals, of course)

Jim said...

In most interracial crimes (not just murder), the victim is white and the assailant is black.

Thanks again for the statistics, Krystal. I don't doubt them. But what exactly is your point? That since Zimmermann saw an unknown black person in his neighborhood, he was justified in assuming he was engaged in criminal activity?

Or what?

Or is it that Obama doesn't talk about black-on-white crime? Has he talked about ANY crime? I don't think local crime is one of his top priorities other than providing money to municipalities to help keep their police officers employed. So why would he be making comments about crime one way or another?

"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". Would Obama have said that if Trayvon Martin had been white? I don't think so.

Of course not. Why would he? It wouldn't make sense. Obama was asked a question and he said that he didn't know the facts well enough to comment. The worst that can be said of his comment is that he was saying, "Trayvon was black. I am black." That's it.

No big deal to me, but it is normal and correct to notice the race of another person.

Can't argue with that. So either noting another person's race (which is the only thing Obama can really be accused of) is NOT racist, or else everyone is racist.

making him more "like" Obama than Martin.

Inane remark. Zimmerman wasn't dead. Martin was.

Without knowing anything about the case, it assumes Martin is the victim.

In other words the death of a young person deserves sympathy ONLY if the person has been proved completely innocent? Regardless, there was then and still today is no evidence whatsoever that Martin was engaged in any criminal activity.

if Zimmerman's story turns out to be true, then obviously he is the victim here.

This is a non-sequitur. His story can be completely true, and yet a person who was not engaged in a criminal activity was shot dead. There is no evidence whatsoever that Martin was out looking for someone to jump and beat up. In fact, there IS evidence that he was trying to get away from Zimmermann. All evidence indicates that Zimmerman initiated the events which led to the death. Zimmermann may be a victim of the events, but no more so than Martin.

Whether Barry meant to sound racist or not

Who is Barry?

he would have withheld any opinion until he knew all the facts.

He offered no opinion. None.

he picked a side based on who was dead and, it seems to many, what color he was.

Picked a side? How?

"It seems to many?" It also seems to many that there have been alien abductions.

Then when Obama discussed the case so soon

Obama did not discuss the case. He declined to discuss the case.

SOme day, maybe Mr. Obama will use his powers for something good;

What a horse sh*t statement!

it would be wonderful to see him talk to kids in America about gangs, about black on black crime among kids and how that MUST stop

He talks to kids all the time about what it takes to raise themselves out of poverty, out of crime, including personal responsibility and a need to stay in school and get an education. What, is he supposed to specifically gather a bunch of black children and say, "Yo, you got to stop killing each other"?

maybe even enlighten them about how Planned Parenthood started

Ahhh, now I get it. He's purposely "ignoring" black on black crime because we WANTS to reduce the black population and since eugenics is becoming unfunded, he'll just let them do it themselves.

But then he'll be losing votes, right? BTW, Planned Parenthood was not started to keep black people from reproducing. Thank goodness, because we really need their votes.


Marshal Art said...

"That since Zimmermann saw an unknown black person in his neighborhood, he was justified in assuming he was engaged in criminal activity?"

This statement ASSUMES that Zimmerman was first aware of Martin's color and for that reason decided to MONITOR his movements. That IS what neighborhood watch people do, Jim. They monitor the movements of people who, for whatever reason, appear suspicious to the watchman.

""If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". Would Obama have said that if Trayvon Martin had been white? I don't think so.

Of course not. Why would he? It wouldn't make sense."

Of course it would make sense if he made that statement the way I suggested that he explain it. Just look at the picture of Martin that the press elected to display in the first days following the publicizing of the events. A middle school picture of a smiling boy. Skin color notwithstanding, he could stand as a symbol for ANYBODY'S son.

"making him more "like" Obama than Martin.

Inane remark. Zimmerman wasn't dead. Martin was."

Read the comment in context, fool. Unless you're suggesting that Martin looks like Obama because he's dead. Zimmerman looks more like Obama because he's half white and because he's a Democrat and a community organizer and like Obama, hasn't been pictured wearing a hoodie.

"Picked a side? How?"

Answered in the very quote this stupid question followed.

""It seems to many?" It also seems to many that there have been alien abductions."

What your family believes is irrelevant.

Krystal said...

Jim, my point is that the Z-M issue is getting more air time than pretty much all black on white crime combined. It creates hatred. It creates resentment. Where are the black leaders marching for justice when a black student puts a gun to a white teacher's head and pulls the trigger?

I'll tell you where they were. They were screaming and marching and making threats because it would be wrong to put a promising young black youth in prison for life (for going home, loading a gun, changing his clothes to easily conceal, walking back to school, chit chatting with some other teachers and students, walking into his teacher's classroom, telling him he would never see his children again, putting the gun again the man's head, and then pulling the trigger).

Where was the black leadership when a young black man (19) pulled a gun on two cops, one Latino and the other black, and wound up being shot dead? They certainly weren't looking for ways to address the issue of drugs and crime in the black community. They yelled racism instead (the Latino cop killed the kid but the black cop said he was about to fire himself). The black community ended up rioting and destroying their own neighborhood (which the county and state paid to rebuild using only black companies because black leadership demanded it).

Personally, I'm getting pretty damned tire of hearing how horrible black people have it, how they are always victims of racism, and how racist white people are. Really? White people lock their car doors when a group of black youths with their pants hanging halfway down their ass with their heads covered in the middle of the day in 90 degree weather? I freaking wonder why?!

Zimmerman, while possible wrong (I believe there are witnesses afraid to come forward due to intimidation and seriously? he calls the cops and then shoots someone?) is nothing more than a symptom of a much larger problem no one is willing to address. It's much easier, not to mention much more politically correct, to point the finger anywhere other than where it belongs.

Just ask Bill Cosby how much attention you get and the reaction you get if you stand up and say the problem isn't white people. It's black people choosing to live like they do.

Of course, he's an Uncle Tom.

Jim said...

it would make sense if he made that statement the way I suggested that he explain it.

I'm sure you could make anything make sense if it was explained your way.

Zimmerman looks more like Obama because he's half white

Holy sh*t! Seriously? Obama looks half white? If you never met him or heard anything about him, you would think he looks half white?

because he's a Democrat and a community organizer

This makes him look like Obama?

Krystal, I respect your comments. I understand your frustration and I can't say I don't feel the same sometime. However, as I said on another thread here or on a related blog, the reason this particular case became a big deal is not Zimmermann's motives, black-on-white or white-on-black or any other color crime, or Obama's non-existent taking of sides. The reason it became a big deal is that the local law enforcement agency did not complete a thorough investigation to the satisfaction of the dead person's parents. So they decided to do something about that the best way they could.

Krystal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Krystal said...

Jim, "The reason it became a big deal is that the local law enforcement agency did not complete a thorough investigation to the satisfaction of the dead person's parents. So they decided to do something about that the best way they could."

I've seen this with white victims with white assailants and white victims with black assailants. They don't make the news.

Zimmerman will go to prison to avoid riots. That's it in a nutshell. There will be a big horse and pony show. Blah, blah, blah, and Zimmerman will be marched off to appease the animals ... I mean people.

Marshal Art said...

"Holy sh*t! Seriously? Obama looks half white? If you never met him or heard anything about him, you would think he looks half white?"

And every picture I've seen of Zimmerman suggests a man of Hispanic heritage, but not a white guy, until people like you chose to regard him as "a white Hispanic".

But that really doesn't address my point at all, which is that he said Martin could be his son BECAUSE Martin is black. This is without a doubt a guy thinking in terms of race. And again, you disregard the link that showed pics of both Obama and Zimmerman, both dark skinned, both in suits, both with short hair---the physical similarities far closer than a black kid in a hoodie.

"because he's a Democrat and a community organizer

This makes him look like Obama?"

I've no doubt that you go out of your way to nit-pick in order to support your weak position, and this is more proof. In the context of my commentary, I was only trying to point out that between the two, Zimmerman is every bit comparable to Obama, and likely more so than was Martin, skin color being the least relevant. But Barry felt the need to "adopt" the dead black kid with his statement that Trayvon looks like he could've been his kid. That statement alone is taking sides. This is true even if it was unconscious in nature. But you're way too up Obama's butt to admit it.

Parklife said...

Bless you Jim for jumping into this snake pit.

Jim said...

people like you chose to regard him as "a white Hispanic".

I don't believe I've ever described him in such a manner. It's irrelevant. To me, he was a man with a gun following an unarmed person around in the dark.

This Zimmermann looks more like Obama than a boy in a hoodie is some of the most inane crap I've heard yet. It's simply stupid. The president expressed empathy for the parents of the dead boy. At that time, there was little if anything known about Zimmermann, his possible injuries or much of anything else, only that he did have a gun.

But one thing was clear. A boy was dead. So why wouldn't Obama express empathy for the parents of a dead person.

This is without a doubt a guy thinking in terms of race.

I imagine that one way or another this is a guy who has been conscious of race his entire life. So what?

support your weak position

It is to laugh.

Zimmerman is every bit comparable to Obama

Obama does not have a thirty-year-old son. Oh and also, Zimmermann was not dead.

Barry felt the need

Who the HELL is Barry?

Zimmerman will be marched off to appease the animals

What can I say?

Always On Watch said...

Obama has expressed no empathy in the case involving Tyrone Woodfork. Why not?

BTW, Obama has rarely spoken out about specific instances of violent crime. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't recall his ever making such a statement about ANY such specific crime. Yet, Obama did make a statement regarding the case of Zimmerman-Martin.

Always On Watch said...

Look up "Richard Nixon Charles Manson."

A President speaking in such a manner about a trial case with a verdict can tank the entire trial.

All this media furor and Obama's statement have poisoned the jury pool. Think about it. If YOU were on trial for a crime and all that furor and a President's statement occurred, how could you get a fair trial?

Always On Watch said...

Wow. See "Eight Minutes You Missed," the entire statement from Zimmerman's former attorney.

Marshal Art said...

"To me, he was a man with a gun following an unarmed person around in the dark."

Very subjective and very much the opinion of someone arrogant enough to pass judgement on someone with whom you are not familiar. The fact is that he was a neighborhood watch volunteer who was concerned about a person whose actions seemed to him suspicious. That he happened to be in possession of a gun, where having one is apparently legal carry one is irrelevant. You choose to believe that for one to carry a weapon means he is also looking for an excuse to use it. I carry a knife. Though I use it as a cutting tool when one is needed, I carry it for self-defense purposes. I hope to never need it for that purpose and do not look forward to having to use it for that purpose. If my mentally challenged state officials would remove their heads from their hindquarters, I might carry a gun instead with the same hope that it will never be fired against anyone for any reason.

"This Zimmermann looks more like Obama than a boy in a hoodie is some of the most inane crap I've heard yet."

More subjectivity. The more I compare, the more I think Zimmerman DOES bear a closer resemblance to Obama than did Martin. You're apparently too hung up on color. Some of my own brother's facial characteristics compare closely with those of Scottie Pippen's (nose, cheekbones). My brother is not black. A child first made the comparison (small children do not seem to have a problem making such comparisons). One need not be of the same race to resemble another person.

"At that time, there was little if anything known about Zimmermann, his possible injuries or much of anything else, only that he did have a gun."

And small minded people would likely jump to the conclusion that he was the aggressor simply because he had the weapon, dispensing with the notion that some people carry weapons to prevent their being victimized by others. Barry knew NOTHING about the incident but chose to ASSUME that Martin was a victim, rather than the righteous recipient of a justified shooting (assuming it is so determined at the conclusion of the investigation and trial). Based on his having no details, he had no right to make such an assumption.

"So why wouldn't Obama express empathy for the parents of a dead person."

Because, as I have said, he had no idea WHY he was dead. He would not have been criticized for merely saying, "I'd prefer not to comment on a case under investigation and for which I have no information." THAT would have been an answer the smartest guy in the room would give.

"I imagine that one way or another this is a guy who has been conscious of race his entire life. So what?"

The "uniter" thinking in terms of race? Are you kidding me? You say "so what" to a statement about the leader of the free world thinking in terms of race? Are you that stupid? (rhetorical question)

"Obama does not have a thirty-year-old son."

Age has no bearing on whether or not one can be compared as a relation.

"Oh and also, Zimmermann was not dead."

Using your own stupid logic, would only dead people look like Barry's son if he had one?

Jim said...

Obama has expressed no empathy in the case involving Tyrone Woodfork. Why not?

No doubt because nobody has ever asked him a question about it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't recall his ever making such a statement about ANY such specific crime.

Can you recall any specific crimes being brought up at a press conference or interview? Neither can I. That's probably why he has never commented on them.

Yet, Obama did make a statement regarding the case of Zimmerman-Martin.

Right or wrong, the media, urged on by the Martin family, brought this case to national attention. The president was asked about THIS incident. And he commented.

And those comments bear no resemblance to Nixon's in the Manson case. Nixon asserted that Manson was guilty. Obama said, "I’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now." Then he expressed sympathy for the parents of the dead boy, because he was, uh, dead.

Obama's statement [has] poisoned the jury pool.

That's pure nonsense.

Very subjective and very much the opinion of someone arrogant enough to pass judgement on someone with whom you are not familiar.

Zimmerman was a man. Check. Zimmerman was carrying a gun. Check. Martin was unarmed. Check. It was 7:00 PM in February so it was dark. Check. Martin told his girlfriend on the phone he was being followed. Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher he was following Martin. Zimmerman was following Martin. Check.

Where is the subjectivity here?

The more I compare, the more I think Zimmerman DOES bear a closer resemblance to Obama than did Martin.

How far can you go with this stupidity? Martin had parents. Obama is a parent. Martin was dead. In a million years I cannot imagine why ANYONE would express empathy to the PARENTS of man who (unknown to the president) may have been injured in a scuffle.

Obama has been married for 19 years. His oldest child is 14 this year. Zimmerman is 28 years old. If Obama had a son, he would not look like George Zimmerman.

And small minded people would likely jump to the conclusion that he was the aggressor simply because he had the weapon

Or maybe because he told the 911 dispatcher that he was following Martin and Martin's girlfriend said that Martin said on the phone that he was being followed.

Barry knew NOTHING about the incident

Who the HELL is Barry?

but chose to ASSUME that Martin was a victim

I'm pretty sure that the president correctly assumed that Martin was no longer alive, being a victim of death.

He would not have been criticized for merely saying, "I'd prefer not to comment on a case under investigation and for which I have no information."

Which is almost EXACTLY what he said: "I’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now."

The "uniter" thinking in terms of race? Are you kidding me?

How stupid are you? Are you suggesting that the first minority president would set aside any consciousness of his race or this history of America as it relates to his race just because he has become the president? Would you have expected Palin to have denied her gender or never thought in terms of her gender (Grizzly mom, hockey mom) had she become president?

You know, I have a son about about the same age as Trayvon. He dresses exactly like Trayvon. We're both as white as the new-fallen snow. But my son looks like Trayvon. Call me racist, but I can empathize with Trayvon's parents.

Using your own stupid logic, would only dead people look like Barry's son if he had one?

Who the HELL is Barry?

That's your logic. My logic is empathy is expressed to the people whose son is dead.

Marshal Art said...

"How far can you go with this stupidity?"

There's nothing stupid about it. Between the two, Zimmerman more closely resembles Obama. It's got nothing to do with his age, only that the resemblance is stronger than between Martin and Obama. I'm looking at two pictures and I haven't seen one of Martin that is as close a match.

"In a million years I cannot imagine why ANYONE would express empathy to the PARENTS of man who (unknown to the president) may have been injured in a scuffle."

You're obviously doing all you can to frame the situation in one particular and narrow manner. But then, I'm not expecting the president to express anything special toward Zimmerman, but only that he didn't know jack-shit about the case so that making any expression to either side was unwise and shows he is making an assumption he had no business making based on his not knowing jack-shit about the case.

"I'm pretty sure that the president correctly assumed that Martin was no longer alive, being a victim of death."

"Victim of death"? Really? You're going to run with THAT? No. He, Barry, assumed the dead guy was the victim of whatever altercation occurred. Giving condolences to Martin's parents, despite whatever good intentions he might have had, assumes what he can't know, especially given that he, Barry, made no equal expression toward Zimmerman. If you can't understand how this slants perceptions, you're an idiot. But I don't believe that's the case. I believe it is worse. I believe you DENY the reality that it slants perceptions to expression sympathy to one side.

"Which is almost EXACTLY what he said:"

"Almost exactly"? Are you kidding? You can have "almost" or you can have "exactly", but not both. In any case, it isn't exactly enough, but still too far from what the smartest guy in the room should have said. Too bad the teleprompter was available.

"How stupid are you? Are you suggesting that the first minority president would set aside any consciousness of his race or this history of America as it relates to his race just because he has become the president? Would you have expected Palin to have denied her gender or never thought in terms of her gender (Grizzly mom, hockey mom) had she become president?"

First off, not stupid at all as long as you are a part of the discussion. His presidency was supposed to end all racism, but now, for the second time, we're to accept that he can't separate his race from what should be said or done? Clearly, it is you who is the stupid one here.

And yes, I have no doubt that Palin would have responded in a far more intelligent manner because she IS more intelligent. And no, she would NOT consider her own gender in instances where gender isn't an issue, as in this case race was not an issue. I have no gripe with Barry bringing up his own experiences as a half-black child should it have an y bearing on an issue. It doesn't here. Not in the least.

"Call me racist, but I can empathize with Trayvon's parents."

No, I call you stupidly dishonest for thinking that crap will work. You take Martin's death out of the context in which it was presented to Barry. I don't have any son and I would sympathize with any parent who lost a child. THAT is not the issue. The issue is that I would NOT sympathize with one side of a tragedy as if I knew the dead kid was a victim when I knew nothing of the case. Barry was asked about the case, not about how he would feel to hear some kid got shot.

Jim said...

I'm looking at two pictures and I haven't seen one of Martin that is as close a match.

You really are doing that? You are actually going so far as to comparing pictures to see if you can somehow justify your crazy notion that Obama more closely resembles Zimmerman than Martin? And that's not stupid? It will never prove that Zimmerman was more dead than Martin.

You're obviously doing all you can to frame the situation in one particular and narrow manner.

And you're not?

he didn't know jack-shit about the case so that making any expression to either side was unwise and shows he is making an assumption.

The only assumptions he made was that the boy was dead and that his parents were grieving. He assumed those things because they were facts. Nothing in his statement could be construed by an honest, non-Obama-hating person as taking a side. In my opinion, like most people who would read his full statement, he wisely and SPECIFICALLY did not take a side.

He, Barry, assumed the dead guy was the victim of whatever altercation occurred.

Who the HELL is Barry?

As to the president, I didn't hear the word "victim" come out of his lips, did you? He said that what happened was "a tragedy". If this whole incident had been a drug deal gone bad, for the parents of Martin, as it would be for anybody, it was a tragedy. I believe YOU are the one who brought up the question of who is the "victim". Regardless of what happened, the parents are victims.

Barry, made no equal expression toward Zimmerman.

Barry who?

I think we can all agree that Zimmerman wasn't dead.

I believe you DENY the reality that it slants perceptions to expression sympathy to one side.

And I believe that you are among the very few people, even among Obama-haters, that think his remarks have any particular, much less meaningful, impact on people's perceptions on this issue, especially any of those who would be involved in adjudicating the case.

Are you kidding? You can have "almost" or you can have "exactly"

You are really getting hard up here, aren't you?

His presidency was supposed to end all racism

Where did you learn that?

And yes, I have no doubt that Palin would have responded in a far more intelligent manner because she IS more intelligent.

Have you ever listened to Palin speak?

You take Martin's death out of the context in which it was presented to Barry....The issue is that I would NOT sympathize with one side of a tragedy as if I knew the dead kid was a victim when I knew nothing of the case.

Who the HELL is Barry?

I've watched the video and read the president's remarks several times. I'm not sure what you mean about the "context in which is was presented". The word victim was not mentioned once, either by the reporter or the president.

He said, "Obviously this is a tragedy. I can only imagine what these parents are going through. And when I think about this boy [the dead one], I think about my own kids. And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of figure out what actually happened."

Where in this is he taking a side?

Barry was asked about the case, not about how he would feel to hear some kid got shot.

What does this guy Barry have to do with anything?

Marshal Art said...

"You really are doing that? You are actually going so far as to comparing pictures to see if you can somehow justify your crazy notion that Obama more closely resembles Zimmerman than Martin? And that's not stupid? It will never prove that Zimmerman was more dead than Martin."

Hey, someone offered the comparison and I looked at the pictures. Why is that so hard to believe? In doing so, I found that he does look more like Obama than Martin does. They aren't twins, but nothing about Martin's features suggest that he could literally be confused as a relation of Barry's. Between the two, I happen to think that Zimmerman more closely resembles Barry Obumble. Too bad for Zimmerman. He might be mistaken for an idiot.

And you keep referring to whether or not he is dead. Why is that? Does being dead make one look more like Barry to you? Are you saying Martin being dead is what makes Barry thinks he looks like he could be Barry's son if he had one? I'm not getting why you keep bringing that up.

"And you're not?"

No, I'm not. I'm consistently referring to facts that are known about the case, the people involved and the history of the neighborhood. You're the one making assumptions.

"I believe YOU are the one who brought up the question of who is the "victim". Regardless of what happened, the parents are victims."

Barry's expression of sympathy to only one side of this equation suggests the other side is not worthy of consideration. It suggests the opinion that the dead kid is the victim as opposed to the possibility he was righteously shot while committing a crime, which seems to be the case as far as the known facts indicate. You want to suggest Barry's expression was innocently made, which may be the case, but still suggests something about which he hasn't facts enough to suggest. That's why his comments were unwise, if not totally stupid.

"In my opinion, like most people who would read his full statement, he wisely and SPECIFICALLY did not take a side."

Like you, many people don't think deeply enough but instead react to the superficial. He took a side by virtue of the specific words he used, whether he intended to or not.

"I think we can all agree that Zimmerman wasn't dead."

You apparently believe yourself clever, but this does not take into consideration the very real possibility that being put in a situation where he felt the need to shoot a kid has a great negative impact on him. That kinda makes you a thoughtless prick. A righteous shooting, as this appears to be considering the facts that are known, does not mean the shooter doesn't live with terrible remorse and regret and second guessing from the perspective of hindsight. Yeah. You ARE a thoughtless prick.

Marshal Art said...

"And I believe that you are among the very few people, even among Obama-haters, that think his remarks have any particular, much less meaningful, impact on people's perceptions on this issue, especially any of those who would be involved in adjudicating the case."

Do you remember OJ?

"You are really getting hard up here, aren't you?"

No. "Hard up" was your statement when you used "almost exactly".

"Have you ever listened to Palin speak?"

Quite a bit. She's very bright. She's got more brains than Barry Obrother. You don't have the smarts to see it.

"Where in this is he taking a side?"

I've explained this repeatedly. Try to pay attention.

Parklife said...

"Who the HELL is Barry?"

Yet.. another question Marshall cant answer.

Krystal said...

AOW, thanks for the link to the attorney's interview! Gives a great deal of information that we aren't being told. It confirms even more how I feel. I like the part where the attorney tells us what happened in the rest of the 9-1-1 call, that they ASKED him for an address. Z wasn't stalking anyone. He was getting the information that was requested from him.

Also like that it was mentioned that there are other people who won't come forward publicly out of fear. This is exactly what the Black Panthers had in mind going down there!!!

Jim said...

Hey, someone offered the comparison and I looked at the pictures.

Another 135 words wasted on an inane point.

Are you saying Martin being dead is what makes Barry thinks he looks like he could be Barry's son if he had one?

Who is Barry?

No, I'm saying that the president made a reference to Martin because Martin was, you know, dead.

Barry's expression of sympathy to only one side of this equation suggests the other side is not worthy of consideration.

Who is Barry?

Suggests to you, perhaps. To most people it suggests that the dead person's family is worthy of empathy regardless of how it happened.

but still suggests something about which he hasn't facts enough to suggest.

But he didn't suggest anything except that any parent would want to know exactly what happened when their child was killed.

many people don't think deeply enough but instead react to the superficial.

Yes, Google "Obama haters".

He took a side by virtue of the specific words he used, whether he intended to or not.

How can one "take" a side unintentionally? Regardless, his words were neutral.

being put in a situation where he felt the need to shoot a kid has a great negative impact on him.

I'm sure he did, and I feel sorry for him about the whole thing. I think he put himself in that situation though, which is not to detract from any sympathy he deserves.

That said, Zimmerman's parents had nothing to do with the case. Martin's did. The whole incident came to light because the parents wanted a full investigation. Obama said that it was natural that any parent would want to find out everything about what happened.

That kinda makes you a thoughtless prick.

Yeah. You ARE a thoughtless prick.


Jim said...

Do you remember OJ?

What did Obama have to say about OJ?

No. "Hard up" was your statement when you used "almost exactly".

I have no problem with the term almost exactly. Most people who are not mathematicians would accept that


is almost exactly

She's very bright.

I'm sure.

I've explained this repeatedly.

No, you have asserted but you have failed to explain.

Jim said...

This is exactly what the Black Panthers had in mind going down there!!!

All five of them.

Mark said...

Jim and Parkie, I guess the black witnesses to the incident are racists, too, eh?

Jim said...

Did either of us say Zimmerman was a racist?