"Let me be clear. No Government has any right to force anyone to buy anything under penalty of law. Period." ~ Me
Watch the following video.
Here are some of the problems I foresee when Obamacare goes into effect:
First, he says I can keep my health insurance. That is, if my health insurance company doesn't go bankrupt, or worse, out of business, because of the prohibitive costs of Government regulation and red tape. If they don't go out of business, the expenses incurred by all the regulations and provisions demanded by the Obama administration's health insurance Department (yet another expense that will be borne by the tax payers), and, headed up by Obama's Insurance Czar, will necessarily make the costs of health insurance skyrocket, to the point where "middle class" Americans will not be able to afford their own insurance premiums.
So then, if the citizen can no longer afford their own health insurance premiums, Obama's plan will punish him with a tax. What if the citizen can't afford to pay the tax? Will he then have to go to jail?
He says our existing healthcare will be "more secure and affordable". How is this possible? As I've already explained, with all the new regulations and provisions, there is no way health insurance will be more affordable. And secure? Exactly how is higher costs and the threat of additional taxes, fines, and jail make us more secure?
There is also the possibility that Obama's new health insurance Czar will offer health insurance companies corporate tax breaks and incentives for their compliance. or possibly even to urge them to allow Obama to completely take over their industry (which, I believe, is the primary reason for Obamacare).
Nice for the insurance corporations, but who's going to foot the bill for these bribes? Do you suppose Obama will debit his personal bank account to pay them? No, I don't either.
Then, he says insurance companies can no longer impose limits on coverage or deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Well, that sounds just wonderful, doesn't it? But, how will that make health insurance more affordable?
Remember, health insurance companies are profit making entities.
The reason they haven't accepted pre-existing conditions up until now is because doing so would drive the costs of insurance premiums up to the point that only the super wealthy (and they can afford health care) can afford them. Does anyone think insurance companies will pay the benefits covering those conditions without increasing premiums to cover the loss?
If you do, you're either naive or willfully ignorant.
This is going to have to be part 1. I have to go to work now. I will post more on this anon.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Act Defines Them
- "While we don't have much say over the desires that we have, we
certainly can decide which we prefer-and then search for ways to act on
that basis." ~ Daniel Akst
I've been saying this all along: If a man molests an underage boy, or a woman molests an underage girl, it is a homosexual act, by virtue of the gender of the offender.
It is absolutely incomprehensible that a heterosexual could molest a child of the same sex. Heterosexual men are simply not attracted to other males, regardless of age. Likewise heterosexual women.
I know homosexuals and their enablers like to claim that most (some even say all) men who molest boys are heterosexual, but it can't be true. Even if they appear to be heterosexual to others, as soon as they molest a child of the same sex, or indulge in child pornography, they are homosexual.
The act defines them.
The same is true of men who claim they are bisexual. It doesn't matter if they are married, or are otherwise known as womanizers, or appear "macho". If they have sex with another man, they are homosexual.
And, homosexuality is deviancy.
Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines the word, "deviant" thus:
"different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct."
It is not normal for people to have sex with another person of the same sex. Nor is it morally correct. Because it is morally incorrect, it is not at all surprising that a homosexual would possess child pornography
. Morally incorrect people have a warped sense of morals, if they have any morals at all.
Homosexuality is abnormal behavior and not natural. Whether the other participant is a child or an adult. Whether the act is consensual. It is not normal. It is not natural. It is sick.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A Guest Post
"There is no difference in principle, between the economic philosophy of Marxism, Nazism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism and that of the American Welfare State and Regulated Economy." ~ Jacob Hornberger

Is Obama a Progressive Marxist Muslim?

You MUST Understand just Who These People ARE…And Just What Their Game Plan is…
Marxism, based on the political philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is not an exclusive school of thought reserved to those who participate in Executions and Torture. Perhaps people, especially students, should read up on the outdated Marxist principles.
The correlation between Obama and Marx has more to do with their similar ideology. The belief that entire segments of society are being exploited by the Capitalists, even enslaved, is fundamentally absurd considering Obama himself was able to swiftly work his way up through the system to achieve the level of success he has, with the help of Millions of Dollars and his Marxist and Muslim Mentors. If our system of government is so terrible; how was that possible? Especially, without producing a Birth Certificate or College Transcripts!
Most Democrats with any Power are Progressive Marxists that Permeate the Democratic Party, and some of the Republican Party, RINO’s, that has the Agenda to “Destroy America” that was set forth by Stalin and the Communist Politburo after WWII. Nikita Khrushchev even told the U. S. straight out that, “WE will Destroy you from “Within,” in 1960 at the UN as he pounded his shoe on the desk!!!
Why do you think that Most Teachers and College Professors are Progressive Marxist? And why are many of the Lawyers and Judges Progressive Marxists?
So to Brainwash the following generations to Destroy their own country “From Within!!!”
The Progressive Marxists Will Use …Illegal Immigration…Islam…Phony Green Jobs…Marshal Law… Corrupt Judges…Corrupt Congress, and Senate…ANYTHING…To Circumvent The U.S. Constitution!!!
Because America is the type of country it is, where there are around 80 million people who own firearms, the Kremlin, through Progressive Marxist Democrats and RINO’s, has tweaked the standard Marxist Takeover Policy of Armed Rebellion among the populous. That is the Single Reason Japan did not consider attacking the Mainland of America…Too many Armed Citizens! The Marxist Game Plan is to “Slowly” take apart the United States Constitution and American Freedom… Especially the 2nd Amendment…One Piece at a Time! If not through Progressive Marxist Legislation…then through the Courts with Progressive Marxist Judges. Therefore, Obama is dangerously in favor of a Big Brother Marxist system of government, with Shariah Law as The Constitution, the system he was Trained and Indoctrinated with his whole life so he could become the Smooth Teleprompting Orator peddling false hopes to lower-income, uneducated voters and the Marching In-Step Progressive Marxists and Muslims.
Congress Must Act against Obama, his Cabinet, and all of his Un-Elected Tsar’s, for they are Wrong and Very Dangerous for this country. Of course, being Bankrolled by George Soros, and Other Un-Named Billionaires, who are, in Reality, Marxists and Muslims!!! Paraphrasing the noted economist and philosopher F. A. Hayek, Future Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger wrote, "There is no difference in principle, between the economic philosophy of Marxism, Nazism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism and that of the American Welfare State and Regulated Economy."
Not only is there no economic distinction between socialist systems in different political wrappers, ultimately there is no consequential societal distinction between Marxist Socialism, Nationalist Socialism, or the most recent incarnation of this beast, Progressive Democratic Socialism. The conclusion of socialism by any name, once it has replaced Rule of Law with the rule of Men, is Tyranny, Under Shariah Law.
This is what the Progressive Marxist Democrats and RINO’s are doing to America Now!!!
They MUST Demonize the Opposition by Tagging them as what “THEY THEMSELVES ARE” in saying; Like The TEA Party and Returning Veterans are “Terrorists and Criminals” just as Hitler, Stalin and MAO did through the Controlled Corrupt Progressive Marxist Media.
Noted Russian dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, no stranger to the consequences of Statism, wrote, "Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit."
This is the Ultimate Goal of the Ruling Marxist Elite; for the Leaders will not give up their Power, Freedom and their Material Goods, while taking them away from the People!!! Democratic Socialism, like Nationalist Socialism (NAZI’s), is nothing more than Marxist Socialism repackaged, while using Shariah Law as the Acid to Melt Away The U.S. Constitution.
Likewise, it seeks a centrally planned economy directed by a single-party state that controls economic production by way of Regulation and Income Redistribution. The success of Democratic Socialism (Progressive Marxism) depends upon usurping Essential Liberty -- the rights "endowed by our Creator" -- primarily by refuting such endowment to the People…but Not from the Ruling Elite Marxists in Control. Thereby, using Shariah Law…There will be NO Women in The Controlling Government…Except Those Progressive Marxists That Tweak Shariah Law to Suit Their Needs…and The Opposition will Simply be Hanged, Shot, Be-Headed…Or…Just Cut off their Limbs…To Control Them!!!
Do not Forget… “The Communist Manifesto”… “Turn every Kind of Disaster or Misstep by your opponent… Into a Political Advantage by distorting the Facts!!!”
Of Course…The Banking and Corporate System is in Danger of Becoming the Next Evil Empire that The “Programmed Young” will see as the Target Enemy to Crush and Demonize within Our Society; as Hitler did with The Jews!!! Not to say that Some of them ARE indeed taking advantage of Usurping The Have-Nots and those Not in their Upper Financial Club. Corrupt Greediness of Some People that Dispense Millions of Dollars to Both Political Parties to get what they want out of Congress…NOW The Bankers and The Government are Conspiring with China to KILL The “Dollar” and Make The “YUAN” The World Reserve Currency for All Countries to Use Instead of The Dollar…This Will Make EVERYTHING Americans Purchase Quadruple In Price. Within Five Years…Communist China WILL Be The World’s Number One Super Power…Thanks To Progressive Marxists In and Out of OUR Governement!!!
This is one of the Egregious symptoms of the Capitalistic Society! Still…Much Better than a Marxist Society!!!
And Now…From The Pages of History, Writings of People That Truly Loved America…
"Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny mediated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth." --George Washington, General Orders, 1776
And…From a Great America… These Words of Freedom That Still Echo’s Beyond The U.S. Capital and The Court Rooms of America…
"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no Peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ---Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775
Listen Up My Fellow Americans…No man could have put the Importance of America more eloquently than Abraham Lincoln: And Now…With The Progressive Marxists Conducting Their Own Civil War on American Values, Culture and God…These Words are Absolutely Apropos…LEST WE FORGET!!!
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate -- we cannot consecrate -- we cannot hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work, which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom --- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
~ Dr. Dennis J. Malone, PhD
Sunday, June 17, 2012
My Father: A Man Of Faith
"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly
stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was
astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." ~ Mark Twain
My father, Norval E. Maness.
Whenever I needed good advice, I just picked up the phone and called him. I wish I could do that today. I am sure he is looking down, watching over me now, but I wish I could talk to him one more time.
He raised 6 children, and he did a pretty good job. All but one have turned out well rounded, responsible adults. I know I have integrity and honesty because I learned from the example set by my dad. Not because of anything I've done.
Let me tell you an amazing story about my Dad.
Dad was a man of faith. Full time, he was an engineer at the Military Aircraft division of Boeing Corporation. Part time, he was a lay preacher and a deacon in the Baptist church. Before I was born, he was a sort of circuit riding preacher in Missouri. He even preached at least once in the church that the infamous Jesse James had once been a member. He actually met an elderly member of that church who had known Jesse James personally.
After I was born, Dad was a Sunday School teacher, and would often fill in at various local churches for a vacationing or ill pastor. When I was a child, he was asked to be the pastor of a mission our church was planting. I couldn't have been more than 10 at the time, and I still recall a very moving illustration he used in one sermon.
Dad had his faults, though. For one thing, he was a chain smoker. Of course, back in those days, smoking didn't carry the stigma with it that it does now. A lot of wonderful Christian people smoked in those days. It was common.
His smoking eventually caught up with him, and he became very ill after he retired from Boeing. The malady at the time was called Chronic Respiratory Pulmonary Disease. It has a different name now. He suffered with this disease for several years. I don't remember exactly how long he suffered but it had to be over 5 years, if not more. It is a cruel and tortuous disease. He had great difficulty breathing, and his lungs were often so sore form trying to breathe he could barely stand the pain.
As the disease progressed he became weaker and weaker. He became dependent upon oxygen and the disease spawned other diseases, such as Diabetes and emphysema, At times, it got so bad that he had to go to the hospital to receive treatment to keep him alive and breathing. He had a calender on the wall on which he marked his good days and bad days. The bad days began to outnumber the good.
Finally, he could no longer remain home. He was admitted to the hospital and the doctors informed he and my Mother that he would probably not be coming home. A couple of days later we were told he would not last the night. He was on his deathbed.
As I said, my father was a man of faith and on that day, weary of the painful struggle to live, he prayed a prayer, that went something like this:
"Father, I can't go on like this. "If it is your will that I should die, take me quickly. If you would have me live, heal me." Tomorrow at 2:00Pm, I want to be either healed or dead. In Jesus' name and for His sake, Amen."
Dad lived through the night, and at exactly 2:00 P.M. he drew the first clear breath he had drawn in many years.
The doctors were astounded. They performed tests and checked and double checked the results. They could not find any trace of the disease that had ravaged my father for over 5 years.
My father was healed. Completely.
Shortly thereafter, My Mom and dad signed up with the Home mission board of the Kansas-Nebraska convention of Southern Baptists. The Mission board assigned them to serve as church planters in Claflin, a small town in Central Kansas. They answered the challenge, and soon they were having church services for a handful of people, with Dad serving as their pastor. No doubt, he shared his miracle story with the congregation, and I know they were blessed by his testimony.
Once the Claflin church was firmly established, the Home Mission board brought them back home to Wichita. Shortly after that, Dad's disease came back, and this time progressed much more rapidly. One Sunday night after my parents had returned home from evening services, Dad told Mom he wasn't feeling well and was going to bed. He never got there. He stopped walking right there in the middle of his living room and collapsed. He was dead before he hit the floor.
I firmly believe we all here on this earth to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Dad believed that, too. Before Dad's remarkable and miraculous recovery, he often said he knew he was supposed to do something important for God, but didn't know what God had in mind for him.
I know what his purpose was. God saved him and kept him healthy until he had fulfilled his purpose.
Some would say that what happened to my Dad was mere coincidence, that there is a scientific explanation for his recovery.
But I know my family witnessed a genuine miracle.
My father, Norval E. Maness.
Whenever I needed good advice, I just picked up the phone and called him. I wish I could do that today. I am sure he is looking down, watching over me now, but I wish I could talk to him one more time.
He raised 6 children, and he did a pretty good job. All but one have turned out well rounded, responsible adults. I know I have integrity and honesty because I learned from the example set by my dad. Not because of anything I've done.
Let me tell you an amazing story about my Dad.
Dad was a man of faith. Full time, he was an engineer at the Military Aircraft division of Boeing Corporation. Part time, he was a lay preacher and a deacon in the Baptist church. Before I was born, he was a sort of circuit riding preacher in Missouri. He even preached at least once in the church that the infamous Jesse James had once been a member. He actually met an elderly member of that church who had known Jesse James personally.
After I was born, Dad was a Sunday School teacher, and would often fill in at various local churches for a vacationing or ill pastor. When I was a child, he was asked to be the pastor of a mission our church was planting. I couldn't have been more than 10 at the time, and I still recall a very moving illustration he used in one sermon.
Dad had his faults, though. For one thing, he was a chain smoker. Of course, back in those days, smoking didn't carry the stigma with it that it does now. A lot of wonderful Christian people smoked in those days. It was common.
His smoking eventually caught up with him, and he became very ill after he retired from Boeing. The malady at the time was called Chronic Respiratory Pulmonary Disease. It has a different name now. He suffered with this disease for several years. I don't remember exactly how long he suffered but it had to be over 5 years, if not more. It is a cruel and tortuous disease. He had great difficulty breathing, and his lungs were often so sore form trying to breathe he could barely stand the pain.
As the disease progressed he became weaker and weaker. He became dependent upon oxygen and the disease spawned other diseases, such as Diabetes and emphysema, At times, it got so bad that he had to go to the hospital to receive treatment to keep him alive and breathing. He had a calender on the wall on which he marked his good days and bad days. The bad days began to outnumber the good.
Finally, he could no longer remain home. He was admitted to the hospital and the doctors informed he and my Mother that he would probably not be coming home. A couple of days later we were told he would not last the night. He was on his deathbed.
As I said, my father was a man of faith and on that day, weary of the painful struggle to live, he prayed a prayer, that went something like this:
"Father, I can't go on like this. "If it is your will that I should die, take me quickly. If you would have me live, heal me." Tomorrow at 2:00Pm, I want to be either healed or dead. In Jesus' name and for His sake, Amen."
Dad lived through the night, and at exactly 2:00 P.M. he drew the first clear breath he had drawn in many years.
The doctors were astounded. They performed tests and checked and double checked the results. They could not find any trace of the disease that had ravaged my father for over 5 years.
My father was healed. Completely.
Shortly thereafter, My Mom and dad signed up with the Home mission board of the Kansas-Nebraska convention of Southern Baptists. The Mission board assigned them to serve as church planters in Claflin, a small town in Central Kansas. They answered the challenge, and soon they were having church services for a handful of people, with Dad serving as their pastor. No doubt, he shared his miracle story with the congregation, and I know they were blessed by his testimony.
Once the Claflin church was firmly established, the Home Mission board brought them back home to Wichita. Shortly after that, Dad's disease came back, and this time progressed much more rapidly. One Sunday night after my parents had returned home from evening services, Dad told Mom he wasn't feeling well and was going to bed. He never got there. He stopped walking right there in the middle of his living room and collapsed. He was dead before he hit the floor.
I firmly believe we all here on this earth to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Dad believed that, too. Before Dad's remarkable and miraculous recovery, he often said he knew he was supposed to do something important for God, but didn't know what God had in mind for him.
I know what his purpose was. God saved him and kept him healthy until he had fulfilled his purpose.
Some would say that what happened to my Dad was mere coincidence, that there is a scientific explanation for his recovery.
But I know my family witnessed a genuine miracle.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Obama's Desperation
"For the American people are a very generous people and will forgive
almost any weakness, with the possible exception of stupidity." ~Will Rogers
Imagine you are in line for a big promotion at work. For the last 6 years or more, you have done everything you are supposed to do to give yourself an advantage. You have worked hard specifically for the opportunity to gain this promotion. You come in early and stay late. You volunteer to do extra work. You take courses to improve your marketability. You go out of your way to make sure your boss knows you are the one responsible for bringing in more business. You grovel, plead, beg, cajole, befriend, and bribe to enhance your reputation to literally everyone who has any influence at all with your boss. You pick up the check at those business luncheons with your boss. You let him win at golf.
Now, imagine, in spite of all your efforts, the boss brings in someone from outside the company with no experience, no work history, no sense of responsibility, and no brains, and gives that person the job you have been working so hard for so many years.
How would you feel?
Would that give you positive feelings for your boss? Would you feel betrayed? Would you continue to like and respect your boss? Wouldn't you, in fact, resent him? Would you be likely do anything to help your boss in the future?
The Obama administration announced Friday it will stop deporting illegal immigrants who come to the country at a young age. Obviously, this is a desperate attempt to win votes from immigrant voters.
Nothing more.
He thinks by relaxing immigration laws and allowing illegal aliens to remain in the country, the move will endear himself to Hispanics, and they will, in turn, vote for him in droves this November.
I don't think it will work.
The only Hispanics who can vote, so far, are those who have become legal citizens, and those citizens became U.S. citizens by doing what they were supposed to do, legally.
Just as the employee who works tirelessly for years to get that promotion, many of them waited years to become legal American citizens. I don't think they will take too kindly to illegal aliens who have been given a free and effortless path to citizenship without having to go through the process legally.
Yes, some will buy into Obama's bribe, but I think most legal immigrants will see through the sham, and, even if they are lifelong Democrats, may very well vote for anybody but Obama, if only out of pure resentment.
Unlike Obama, I think our legal Latino citizens are smart. He obviously thinks they aren't.
Imagine you are in line for a big promotion at work. For the last 6 years or more, you have done everything you are supposed to do to give yourself an advantage. You have worked hard specifically for the opportunity to gain this promotion. You come in early and stay late. You volunteer to do extra work. You take courses to improve your marketability. You go out of your way to make sure your boss knows you are the one responsible for bringing in more business. You grovel, plead, beg, cajole, befriend, and bribe to enhance your reputation to literally everyone who has any influence at all with your boss. You pick up the check at those business luncheons with your boss. You let him win at golf.
Now, imagine, in spite of all your efforts, the boss brings in someone from outside the company with no experience, no work history, no sense of responsibility, and no brains, and gives that person the job you have been working so hard for so many years.
How would you feel?
Would that give you positive feelings for your boss? Would you feel betrayed? Would you continue to like and respect your boss? Wouldn't you, in fact, resent him? Would you be likely do anything to help your boss in the future?
The Obama administration announced Friday it will stop deporting illegal immigrants who come to the country at a young age. Obviously, this is a desperate attempt to win votes from immigrant voters.
Nothing more.
He thinks by relaxing immigration laws and allowing illegal aliens to remain in the country, the move will endear himself to Hispanics, and they will, in turn, vote for him in droves this November.
I don't think it will work.
The only Hispanics who can vote, so far, are those who have become legal citizens, and those citizens became U.S. citizens by doing what they were supposed to do, legally.
Just as the employee who works tirelessly for years to get that promotion, many of them waited years to become legal American citizens. I don't think they will take too kindly to illegal aliens who have been given a free and effortless path to citizenship without having to go through the process legally.
Yes, some will buy into Obama's bribe, but I think most legal immigrants will see through the sham, and, even if they are lifelong Democrats, may very well vote for anybody but Obama, if only out of pure resentment.
Unlike Obama, I think our legal Latino citizens are smart. He obviously thinks they aren't.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
What's Happening
OK. I guess it's about time I wrote another blogpost.
I have no excuse, other than I haven't felt motivated. All I can write about is being written about by other, more articulate bloggers than I, anyway.
Perhaps part of my lack of motivation lies in the distraction of trying to focus on the ongoing calamities that are currently effecting my life. Simply put, personal problems are occupying the majority of my thoughts and keeping me awake nights.
As my two readers no doubt know, I recently moved from Virginia, back to my hometown of Wichita, Kansas.
There are several reasons my wife and I (primarily, my wife) made the decision to make this move. I will touch on a few:
1. Most of my family is in or near Wichita. My mother, soon to reach the age of 92, lives in Wichita. She is still relatively healthy, but, at 91, she is having some ambulatory problems. A couple of years ago, she suffered a mini-stroke which, fortunately, didn't have any lasting effects, but it bothered me that I wasn't close enough, geographically speaking, to be of any assistance should a more serious stroke occur. On top of that, my financial situation would have made it difficult, if not impossible, to be present for her funeral, if, God forbid, she suddenly passed away. I have children and grandchildren in Wichita and Osawatomie in Kansas, and in Independence and Booneville in Missouri. I had never seen my two youngest grandchildren until we came back here.
2. My wife is an only child who never had children of her own, and both of her parents had passed away in the last few years, leaving her with few family members left in Virginia. She wanted to be close to the kids and grandkids, I suppose, so she could spoil them.
3. Because of lack of funds, we were unable to keep our house maintained. It was falling apart, and we simply didn't have the money to fix it up.
Unfortunately, since we moved here, things haven't gone as we anticipated and we are suffering more financial difficulties than we experienced in Virginia. My pay is substantially less and the cost of living here is higher. The combination of those two factors have placed us in a difficult situation.
So, you will, I hope, understand that I have been pre-occupied with concerns other than keeping up with my blogging.
I am pursuing some options, and hopefully, soon will be motivated to blog further.
I have no excuse, other than I haven't felt motivated. All I can write about is being written about by other, more articulate bloggers than I, anyway.
Perhaps part of my lack of motivation lies in the distraction of trying to focus on the ongoing calamities that are currently effecting my life. Simply put, personal problems are occupying the majority of my thoughts and keeping me awake nights.
As my two readers no doubt know, I recently moved from Virginia, back to my hometown of Wichita, Kansas.
There are several reasons my wife and I (primarily, my wife) made the decision to make this move. I will touch on a few:
1. Most of my family is in or near Wichita. My mother, soon to reach the age of 92, lives in Wichita. She is still relatively healthy, but, at 91, she is having some ambulatory problems. A couple of years ago, she suffered a mini-stroke which, fortunately, didn't have any lasting effects, but it bothered me that I wasn't close enough, geographically speaking, to be of any assistance should a more serious stroke occur. On top of that, my financial situation would have made it difficult, if not impossible, to be present for her funeral, if, God forbid, she suddenly passed away. I have children and grandchildren in Wichita and Osawatomie in Kansas, and in Independence and Booneville in Missouri. I had never seen my two youngest grandchildren until we came back here.
2. My wife is an only child who never had children of her own, and both of her parents had passed away in the last few years, leaving her with few family members left in Virginia. She wanted to be close to the kids and grandkids, I suppose, so she could spoil them.
3. Because of lack of funds, we were unable to keep our house maintained. It was falling apart, and we simply didn't have the money to fix it up.
Unfortunately, since we moved here, things haven't gone as we anticipated and we are suffering more financial difficulties than we experienced in Virginia. My pay is substantially less and the cost of living here is higher. The combination of those two factors have placed us in a difficult situation.
So, you will, I hope, understand that I have been pre-occupied with concerns other than keeping up with my blogging.
I am pursuing some options, and hopefully, soon will be motivated to blog further.
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