"I find your intolerance of my intolerance intolerable." ~ MeProgressives (read Liberals) are continually accusing me (and others who share my political and social ideology) of being intolerant of their opinions, beliefs, and lifestyle choices.
The word,
"Intolerant" is the opposite of the word,
I think those words are both overused and misapplied.
One of many definitions of the word,
"tolerate" according to one of many different dictionaries (although all dictionaries define it pretty much the same)is this:
"1. to endure or resist the action of (as a drug or food) without serious side effects or discomfort: exhibit physiological tolerance for2. to allow to be or to be done without prohibition, hindrance, or contradiction."I don't agree with part of that definition. The part about contradiction. I insist one can contradict others opinions and beliefs without being intolerant of them. I often disagree with people, and/or contradict them, yet I continue to tolerate them.
Oftentimes, when a couple who have little in common stay married for 40-50 years, I say,
"They don't love each other. They only tolerate each other." Of course, that's just my opinion. Sometimes, I'm sure I'm wrong.
There are really only two ways one can be truly intolerant of another person. You can remove yourself from their presence permanently, or, if that is not possible, you can kill them.
Otherwise, you tolerate them.
Example: I disagree with the popular notion that homosexuality is genetic. Because of that, many people would say I am intolerant of homosexuals.
That is simply not true.
I tolerate homosexuals because the only choices I have are those stated above, or tolerance. I can't avoid being in the presence of all homosexuals, and I can't kill them, Therefore, I choose to tolerate them.
Besides, I personally like those homosexuals I know. A guy (and I use the term loosely) I work with is flaming. There are many things about him I respect. I don't respect his lifestyle choice (and it is a choice), but I tolerate it. I have no choice.
I love my family. Yet, there are members of my family with whom I disagree on many issues. Sometimes vehemently. Liberals would say I am intolerant of those members of my family.
I cannot remove myself from their presence permanently, nor would I want to. Neither would I ever even consider killing them.
My only other choice is to tolerate them.
And so, I do.