Friday, September 04, 2009

So, No Indoctrination In Schools, Eh?

"Here was a man who spoke of “hope” and “change,” whose strong words lifted up the downhearted people and made them believe that the world was not beyond repair." ~ Jonah Winter

For the first time, and hopefully the last, I am simply going to link to an article instead of expressing my personal opinion on the subject:

Here are two of the books your child will be expected to read.

I don't know if these books are required reading in all government schools, or if they are merely suggested reading.

I know what I think. What's your opinion?


Krystal said...

May I puke now?!

I'm reading the excerpts and I'm sitting here thinking about how they're trying to turn him into a god.

Seriously, he "knew" he was different than other boys because he carried hope? It's as though they are trying to compare him to Christ.

Mark said...

Yes, Krystal, that is one of many points to be made. I just have so many thoughts on this, I'm afraid it would take a book to list them all.

Z said...

I've said it before and I'll say it the Hitler straight-arm salute now going to be substituted with the Obama BUMP!?

Those books are NUTS...we don't have our kids idolizing PEOPLE...but, I guess if we've kicked God out, then there are PEOPLE who try to capitalize on that and fill that great void. This is DISGUSTING, Mark...even MORE dangerous to our kids than school books entitled "Billy Has Two Mommies"

Opus #6 said...

I feel tainted just looking at the covers of these books. Eeeeew!

Joe said...


Please check out my post tomorrow.

It's about this indoctrination business.

Lone Ranger said...

Sheesh, why did I have to see that before dinner?

Fox News is going to show a special at 9 pm about textbooks. Should be veerrrrry interesting.

Jim said...

Hey Beckaroos! Your "link" to the two books the kids are supposedly "expected" to read goes to PUMA which cites Michelle Malkin which cites PUMA which cited Michelle Malkin which...

Well you get it - caught in an endless, meaningless circle which pretty much describes the Beckaroo's logic these days.

Mark said...

Jim, I don't know what you are talking about ... Beckaroos? What's that?

Are you referring to Glenn Beck?

I rarely watch his show. He goofs too much for my taste. He makes light of serious things. I find hi8m too commercial. I doubt his sincerity. I prefer listening to his radio show, but I only do that when I'm in the car, and then only if my wife isn't with me.

On the other hand, he sure scares you Libs, doesn't he? The only people I know of that scares Libs are the ones that tell the truth, and Libs can't refute them. So they use the tired old tactic of attacking them. Which doesn't change the fact that they are right, of course. When Libs attack Conservatives we know they are onto the truth.

Jim said...

Yep, my new name for people who believe the crap Beck makes up.

He doesn't scare me. He shock's me. To think that this person is not only NOT in a mental institution, but that he has his own TV and radio shows.

He is the poster boy for ODS.

Timothy said...

I'm hoping Obama will fall into utter and dismal failure soon, so books like that will be seen as the wasted paper they are.

With unemployment at a 26 year high, he has brought change... but not much hope.

Mark said...

LOL! Jim< you're really funny! OK, so Glenn Beck makes things up, eh?

What? What does he make up? You've brought the subject up, so you tell us, what does he make up?

Are you talking about his latest campaign? The one in which he's doing what Obama should have done before installing all these unaccountable Czars?

You know. Vetting them?

Yes, you are scared.

Glenn Beck is alerting patriotic Americans to what Obama is trying to do and that scares the Hell out of Marxists like you.

Joe said...

Come on, Jim...let's see what things you think Beck made up. Let's see them!

You liberals care so much about dialog and discussion, but are completely devoid of any ability to think your way out of a wet paper sack.

You love blanket statements (like this one) and just make up names to call your opponents because you are unable to refute what they say with intelligence.

Go ahead...refute. We're waiting.


Still waiting.

Jim said...

Put your pants on Joe and have another cup of coffee, maybe better decaff. I'll be back with some doozies.

Jim said...

Let's start with:

The GE building at Rockefeller Center proves that GE sympathizes with communism and Rockefeller himself, founder of Standard Oil, was a communist because the art on the facade has a man with a hammer at one end and one with a sickle at the other.

Obama will force people to work for ACORN and AmeriCorps.

FEMA-built barracks are actually concentration camps for Republicans.

Van Jones went to prison for taking part in the Rodney King riots.

Obama will use bombings of Canadian pipeline to justify takeover of oil companies.

Always On Watch said...

Check out what I heard this morning when I was drinking my first cup of coffee of the day.

It's a jaw dropper.

Lone Ranger said...

"The GE building at Rockefeller Center proves that GE sympathizes with communism and Rockefeller himself, founder of Standard Oil, was a communist because the art on the facade has a man with a hammer at one end and one with a sickle at the other."

And can you prove that it doesn't? I work in a building in Washington that was built in the '30s. It has murals on the walls that look like the were lifted straight out of the Kremlin. You're saying that art form just popped up coincidentally on both sides of the world?

Obama will force people to work for ACORN and AmeriCorps.

I present to you, section 4(b)6 of HR1444. "Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

Mandatory: Another word for forced.

"FEMA-built barracks are actually concentration camps for Republicans."

NOW who's making stuff up? Beck investigated that story WAY back when Bush was in office and libs were claiming they were concentration camps for democrats. He said there was NO STORY. He exposed the supposed video of one of those camps that was on YouTube. It was actually an old railroad repair station. The video has since been removed from YouTube.

"Van Jones went to prison for taking part in the Rodney King riots."

I suggest that instead of getting your information from left-wing hate sites, you actually WATCH the show. Beck said Jones was arrested and went to jail. And he was. Jones admitted that he "stole stuff" while protesting against the King verdict in San Francisco. And Jones himself said he was just an angry guy when he went into jail but when he got out he was a "radical communist."

"Obama will use bombings of Canadian pipeline to justify takeover of oil companies."

More left-wing crapola. Beck was comparing the mindset of the bomber to the mindset of oil company-hating liberal politicians. All you have to do is watch the clip. Of course, Beck tells you to use your head, which is beyond the capability of liberals. After all, isn't the theme of this administration to never waste a good crisis?

Mark said...

Weeellll, Jim. I was going to do a similar response to LR's but I got busy and he beat me to it. he did a much better job of refuting you than I would have, anyway.

Asked and answered. Are you ready to admit defeat yet, Jim? 'Cause, you know, Van Jones just did.

Jim said...

"And can you prove that it doesn't?"

When someone like Beck makes an absurd assertion, it's up to him to prove it, not for me to prove it's absurd.

As for the art thing, of course a lot of art and architecture reflects the times and the architect. That in no way means that one of the giants of capitalism was a communist or that GE (read NBC and MSNBC) has communist sympathies. And that's the implication Beck is making up.

"Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement"

Interesting that you start with "whether" and not with the part before that that calls for the formation of a bi-partisan commission to explore "whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement could be developed. This is completely different from what you are suggesting, showing that you are either dishonest or very mis-informed.

Funny that Beck debunked the death camps under Bush then brought back and for awhile "could not debunk" them under Obama. If he knew that they were bogus under Bush why did he re-make them up?

"All you have to do is watch the clip."

I just watched the clip again. He most certainly DID suggest that the Obama administration would use pipeline bombings to take control of oil companies. It's in the last 30 seconds. Watch it yourself.

"Beck said Jones was arrested and went to jail. And he was. Jones admitted that he "stole stuff" while protesting against the King verdict in San Francisco."

Not accurate. Arrested and went to jail implies conviction and serving time. That wasn't true. He received a legal settlement for false arrest. He said "we stole stuff, not everybody, of course." And he wrote that BEFORE he was arrested.

Lone Ranger said...

And again, you proved my list of truths about liberals.

2. Never try to reason with a liberal. They disregard any evidence that conflicts with their beliefs.

4. Liberals don't debate, they argue.

Jim said...

LR proves that wingers do not have the ability to comprehend simple English, apparently.

I did not disregard your "evidence". I refuted it. That is certainly part of the debate process.

Marshal Art said...

Love the books, especially where they talk of Barry chopping down his father's cherry tree.

Hey Jim,

I watched the last thirty and it sounds to me like he was talking about a mindset that would use such incidents to take such actions. He was referring to the Waters, Clinton and Jones and then suggested a possibility. You think it's far fetched when Barry already used other "crises" to rush through other actions thus far? How could you so easily discount the possibility when precedents have been set?

Dan Trabue said...

As loathe as I am to post here, what two books? Your link is now broken.

Mark said...

Probably disabled now that the speech is over, Dan.

Just a couple of children's books written to Deify Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama's speech was a good one. I have no problem with what he said, although I don't believe Obama meant a word of it.

He spoke of personal responsibility, yet his policies are the antithesis of personal responsibility. He wants Americans to depend on Government, or more specifically, himself, for everything.

That's not personal responsibility. That's a nanny state. That's Marxism.

Dan Trabue said...

Per normal, not a straight answer. Sight unseen, I'd be willing to bet that neither book was meant to deify Obama.

I find Obama's policies to be far from where we need to be in terms of personal and societal responsibility, but light years closer than the Reagan/Bush/Bush years. For what it's worth.

Mark said...

That's as straight an answer as I can give, Dan. The link is gone so I can't pull the quotes off it to show them to you.

If I could, I would, but it doesn't matter anyway. You'd still argue.

If I pulled a quote out of one of the books saying" We should all worship Saint Obama on our knees in humble reverence to Obama to thank Him for His glorious blessings upon us", You'd still argue that what was said was taken out of context or something.

Dan Trabue said...

You don't recall the name of the books? Author? Publisher?

Fair enough then, we have your word that some books are bad. For what that's worth.

Jim said...

"He wants Americans to depend on Government, or more specifically, himself, for everything. "

Your fantasy.